In a shocking announcement, Alex Markey the owner of Minecraft Central said that he was selling Minecraft Central to Administrator Teddzy for $100,000,000.
''I have to made this decision to please my girlfriend (QueenMikayla) who plays a lot of Fortnite, she wants me to quit Minecraft and go to playing Fortnite with her'' Alex said.
''I know guys, this is a dificult decision but i had to and we are sure that Teddzy will do her best to keep the community happy'' he added.
Alex also went on to say that the Minecraft Central staff team will be fired due to Teddzy already setting up the people she wants for her staff team, but that they can have the opportunity to reapply.
''Teddzy will be firing the whole staff team and only bringing the people of her choice, but they can reapply in the future'' he said
A lot of people are shocked about this including MCCStoreOwner the owner of the most famous shop at the Survival Server.
''Like what if she forces me to change my username, if she renames the server?'' MCCStoreOwner said.
A lot of players of Minecraft Central reacted nervious to the announcement mainly due to the fact that they had heard stories about Teddzy being a jerk sometimes.
''Teddzy has been such an as*h*le to me sometimes and had abused her powers in the past'' a unidentified player said.
''She has told me in a serious tone that she is not warning me again and it does kinda creeps me out, because she could ban me with no warning'' player CabanNieves said.
''I'm scared that she might become an actual abuser with her powers and ruining the server'' another unidentified player said.
''Holy crap if that happens i'm resiging'', staff member xBenz said.
Steve Scrubhead of the University of Noobland said that ''Is very likely that server will eventualy die out, because Teddzy might do a lot of not so good changes to the server and may turn into an abusive owner'' he said.
Well i don't know what to say, but i'm am shocked and i can't believe that Alex is leaving this beatiful server behind in favor of a stupid game called ''Fortnite''.
Alex Markey (left) has sold Minecraft Central to
Teddzy (right) for $100,000,000